Some online websites have a limitation to how large their files can be, depending on the quality that you are revealing; you will have to cut your film into areas. Ensure that you modify your movie appropriately in a meaningful way.
During shooting do not take the approach studio budget movies do. You're not going to have the ability to have 20 takes of scene to get it right. There's insufficient money in an indie movie budget to shoot it with a Hollywood filmmaker mindset.
Step the location you wish to cover and then thoroughly cut the movie to size, keeping in mind to leave about half an inch extra on each side to help you in your placing the film on the window.
White frost, grey frost and bronze frost are the colors you can get. Mainly you see the white frosted window movie since it simply looks natural. But there is a clear frost which looks much like a bathroom window. There is no color to it but it does precisely the same thing.
Quick Idea: Usage Casting of your skill as part of the story. Work with (or obtain) a small theatrical venue for a couple of hours. Invite the reporter along to see a few of the talent auditioning. Get some friends around so that the audition line appears longer than it is, and take some stills of the hectic audition space - allow them to interview a few of documentary making those auditioning who are most likely to be on your short-list. Advertise (through an ad in the local paper/ facebook/ twitter/onefatcigar) the audition to get more individuals along. Instantly your low budget plan film has budding stars shouting to be in it, and the journalist has another angle to their story.
In the end you are the "decider." If you commit yourself to following your dream of becoming a filmmaker, you will succeed. The school you select will assist you on your journey, however no school can assure success. So be honest with yourself about your goals, your skills, and your true level of decision. Select your school and never ever look back-success includes delighting in the journey, not just the destination.